
Cross-Platform Automation and Configuration

PowerShell Core is an open-source automation and configuration programming language for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides a powerful command-line interface for managing and automating systems and processes.

Why PowerShell Core?

For developers and system administrators, PowerShell Core offers several advantages over other automation and scripting tools:

  • PowerShell Core is cross-platform.
  • It’s a powerful and flexible scripting language.
  • It has a large and active community of users and contributors, with many resources and tutorials available.

PowerShell Core Syntax

  • PowerShell Core uses a command-line interface and scripting language that is similar to Unix shell scripting.
  • It supports various data types, including strings, numbers, arrays, and objects.
  • PowerShell Core has built-in support for remote management and automation.

Free Resources for Learning PowerShell Core

PowerShell Core Modules and Libraries

  • PowerShell Core has a large and growing collection of modules and libraries, catering to various automation and system management use cases.

Popular PowerShell modules include Pester, PSReadLine, and PowerShell Gallery.

File Extensions

  • .ps1

See Also

There is more information about PowerShell in the Terminals Chapter.