
JavaScript is a popular programming language used for web development and beyond. In this page, we will cover some basics of JavaScript.

Why JavaScript?

JavaScript is widely used for building web applications, and it’s a vital skill for web developers. Some of the reasons to learn JavaScript include:

  • Interactivity: JavaScript makes websites more interactive and engaging, allowing for features such as animations, user input validation, and dynamic content updates.

  • Front-end web development: JavaScript is used heavily in front-end web development, enabling developers to build user interfaces and dynamic web pages.

  • Back-end web development: JavaScript can also be used for back-end web development, allowing developers to build server-side applications and APIs.

  • Cross-platform development: With tools like Node.js, JavaScript can be used to build cross-platform applications for desktop and mobile devices.

Free Resources for Learning JavaScript

  • JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: A comprehensive tutorial covering the basics of JavaScript syntax, data types, operators, functions, and more.

  • MDN Web Docs: JavaScript: Mozilla’s guide to JavaScript, including a reference guide, tutorials, and examples.

  • Eloquent JavaScript: A free online book that covers the basics of JavaScript programming, including control structures, functions, objects, and more.

  • JavaScript30: A free 30-day JavaScript coding challenge that covers different aspects of the language and helps build real-world projects.

  • Codecademy: JavaScript: An interactive online course that teaches the basics of JavaScript programming.

Free Resources for Advanced JavaScript

  • You Don’t Know JS: A series of books that covers advanced JavaScript topics, including closures, prototypes, asynchronous programming, and more.

  • JSBooks: A collection of free JavaScript books covering advanced topics such as functional programming, design patterns, and algorithms.

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that allows developers to build scalable network applications.

File Extensions

  • .js